My Collections 

I am a collector of many things! I like to keep track of said collections in lists or posting on social media but this can be a good way of showcasing these in one place. My main current collections that I am actively adding to are: CDs, Trilobites & Fossils, Crystals & Minerals as well as various comics, books and manga. I have sooo many of the latter it would take my whole life to document that so I will be focusing on the former three for this page! I might even share tips on collecting items, where to find them (my fav websites) and resources for getting into the hobby. This can be especially daunting when it comes to collecting fossils and minerals as there are so many unique and beautiful pieces, it's hard to narrow down what interests you. So I'm here to help! Or perhaps just ramble about Trilobites and why they're cool but thats besides the point...